You have a vision for the future of your Downtown.

If you’re like us, you believe that downtown is the heart of community - and a healthy heart is the key to a healthy community!  As you lead your community on a path of ongoing vitality, you will encounter challenges and needs in the built environment.  Whether you are 10-15 years into your revitalization journey, or you are just getting started, Kudzu Collective’s team of designers, including architects, brand strategists, landscape architects, interior designers, and researchers, is passionate about the work we do with leaders like you everyday!

Your focus may be a single building, a block, or an entire district– whatever the scale, we would love to come alongside you with useful strategy tools and impactful design solutions as you bring your vision for a downtown upgrade to life!

We would love to learn more about your vision–share your story with us, and let’s plan a visit.  We’ll meet you downtown!


Our collaborating designers: